2025-01-03 04:08










1. 环境准备






开发工具:IDE(如PyCharm、VS Code)、版本控制工具(如Git)。

2. 安装Python环境


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip -y


python3 --version
pip3 --version

3. 安装数据库和Web服务器


sudo apt-get install mysql-server nginx -y


sudo systemctl start mysql nginx
sudo systemctl enable mysql nginx

4. 搭建爬虫程序


import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time
import random
import string
import hashlib
import pymysql.cursors  # 用于连接MySQL数据库存储数据
from selenium import webdriver  # 用于模拟浏览器行为,提高爬取成功率(可选)
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By  # 用于定位网页元素(可选)
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys  # 用于键盘操作(可选)from selenium.webdriver.chrome.service import Service  # 用于启动Chrome浏览器(可选)from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options  # 用于设置Chrome浏览器选项(可选)from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait  # 用于等待页面加载完成(可选)from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC  # 用于定义等待条件(可选)from urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin  # 用于处理URL(可选)from urllib.error import URLError  # 用于处理URL错误(可选)from urllib.request import Request, urlopen  # 用于发送HTTP请求(可选)from urllib.robotparser import RobotFileParser  # 用于解析robots.txt文件(可选)from urllib import parse  # 用于解析URL参数(可选)from urllib import urlencode  # 用于编码URL参数(可选)from urllib import unquote  # 用于解码URL参数(可选)from urllib import quote  # 用于编码URL参数(可选)from urllib import quote_plus  # 用于编码URL参数并替换空格为加号(可选)from urllib import unquote_plus  # 用于解码URL参数并替换加号为空格(可选)from urllib import urlencode  # 用于将字典转换为URL编码的查询字符串(可选)from urllib import parse_qs  # 用于解析URL编码的查询字符串为字典(可选)from urllib import parse_qsl  # 用于解析URL编码的查询字符串为列表(可选)from urllib import splittype  # 用于拆分URL的协议和主机名(可选)from urllib import splituser  # 用于拆分URL的用户名和密码(可选)from urllib import splitport  # 用于拆分URL的端口号(可选)from urllib import splitpasswd  # 用于拆分URL的用户名和密码(可选)from urllib import splitquery  # 用于拆分URL的查询字符串和片段标识符(可选)from urllib import spliturl  # 用于拆分完整的URL为六个部分(可选)from urllib import getproxies  # 获取当前系统的代理设置(可选)from urllib import setproxies  # 设置当前系统的代理设置(可选)from urllib import addinfourl  # 向URL对象添加额外的信息(可选)from urllib import getproxies_environment  # 获取当前环境的代理设置(可选)from urllib import proxy_bypass_environment  # 获取当前环境的代理绕过设置(可选)from urllib import request_cache_policy  # 获取或设置请求的缓存策略(可选)import os,sys,subprocess,re,json,datetime,logging,argparse,functools,collections,heapq,math,itertools,contextlib,functools,collections,heapq,math,itertools,contextlib,functools,collections,heapq,math,itertools,contextlib,functools,collections,heapq,math,itertools,contextlib,functools,collections,heapq,math,itertools,contextlib,functools,collections,heapq,math,itertools,contextlib # 导入其他模块以支持各种功能(如文件操作、正则表达式、JSON解析等)(可选)def get_random_user_agent(): # 获取随机用户代理字符串,用于模拟不同浏览器访问网站return random.choice(user_agents)def get_random_ip(): # 获取随机IP地址,用于模拟不同IP访问网站return random.choice(ip_list)def get_random_headers(): # 获取随机HTTP头部信息,用于模拟真实请求headers = { 'User-Agent': get_random_user_agent(), 'Accept-Language': 'en', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', } return headersdef get_random_cookies(): # 获取随机Cookies信息,用于模拟真实请求cookies = { 'cookie': ' '.join(random.choice(cookies_list) for _ in range(random.randint(100000000000000000000000000000)) } return cookiesdef get_random_referer(): # 获取随机Referer信息,用于模拟真实请求referer = random.choice(referers) return refererdef get_random_accept(): # 获取随机Accept信息,用于模拟真实请求accept = random.choice(accepts) return acceptdef get_random_host(): # 获取随机Host信息,用于模拟不同主机访问网站host = random.choice(hosts) return hostdef get_random_port(): # 获取随机端口号,用于模拟不同端口访问网站port = random.randint(1024, 65535) return portdef get_random_path(): # 获取随机路径信息,用于模拟不同路径访问网站path = '/' + ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(random.randint(1, 10))) return pathdef get_random_query(): # 获取随机查询字符串,用于模拟不同查询参数query = urlencode({k: random.choice(v) for k, v in query_params}) return querydef get_random_fragment(): # 获取随机片段标识符,用于模拟不同片段访问网站fragment = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(random.randint(1, 10))) return fragmentdef get_random_http_method(): # 获取随机HTTP方法,用于模拟不同请求方法return random.choice(['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'TRACE'])def get_random_http_version(): # 获取随机HTTP版本信息,用于模拟不同HTTP版本return random.choice(['HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/2'])def get_random_http_body(): # 获取随机HTTP请求体内容,用于模拟POST请求body = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(random.randint(1024))) return bodydef get_random_http_response(): # 获取随机HTTP响应内容,用于模拟服务器响应response = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(random.randint(1024))) return responsedef get_random_http_status(): # 获取随机HTTP状态码,用于模拟服务器响应status = random.randint(100, 599) return statusdef get_random_http_header(): # 获取随机HTTP头部信息,用于模拟服务器响应header = { 'Content-Type': 'text/html', 'Content-Length': str(len(get_random_http_response())), } return headerdef get_random_http_cookie(): # 获取随机HTTP Cookie信息,用于模拟服务器响应cookie = { 'cookie': ' '.join(random.choice(cookies) for _ in range(random.randint(10))) } return cookiedef get_random_http_setcookie(): # 获取随机Set-Cookie信息,用于模拟服务器响应setcookie = { 'Set-Cookie': ' '.join(random.choice(setcookies) for _ in range(random.randint(1))) } return setcookiedef get_random_http_expires(): # 获取随机Expires信息,用于模拟服务器响应expires = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=365) expires = expires.strftime('%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT') return expiresdef get_random_http_lastmodified(): # 获取随机Last-Modified信息,用于模拟服务器响应lastmodified = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=365) lastmodified = lastmodified.strftime('%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT') return lastmodifieddef get_random_http_etag(): # 获取随机ETag信息,用于模拟服务器响应etag = hashlib.md5((get_random_http_response() + str(get_random())).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() return etagdef get{ "title": "Spider Pool System Building Tutorial", "body": "This article introduces the construction of a spider pool system and provides a detailed tutorial with diagrams and steps.", "keywords": ["spider pool", "system building", "tutorial", "diagrams", "steps"] } def main(): logging configuration logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of the spider pool system logging configuration is essential for debugging and monitoring the execution of
【小恐龙蜘蛛池认准唯一TG: seodinggg】XiaoKongLongZZC
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